Head in the Sand Strategy

Linda Ward
4 min readJun 28, 2021


A healthy day of escape

Linda Ward

Just now·4 min read

Photo by Shiju Nambiar, Unsplash

Have you ever taken a cue from the ostrich to bury your head in the sand? Today that’s exactly what I’m doing. No TV news, no news feed alerting me of the political scene that is such a quagmire, no discussion with others on what the latest atrocity that has happened in the world.

I’ve reached my limit. I feel helpless. I’m the type that likes to work toward change. If there’s an injustice, I want to help set it straight. If someone is rude, I want to hit them with all the kindness I have to help them see that rude is not the way to change the world. I’m a writer on happiness and how to help yourself get the most out of every day. Today, I feel that the media and well-meaning people discussing the latest news alerts, have taken a chunk out of my outlook that’s normally rosy and positive. I’ve reached my limit. Today, I can’t take it. I’m setting out on working the magic that will help my mood, my gloomy outlook, and helpless feeling to lighten a bit.

First, I’m turning off all news, newsfeeds, and discussions on anything other than good stuff. There’s lots of good stuff happening every day. People are being kind, helping others, giving generously, and caring. I’m going to seek out those stories, or at least remember a few and review them in my head instead of the other stories that have led to feeling irritable and helpless today.

Next, I’m making banana bread. OK, I know banana bread is not a formula for feeling better. But what it will do is set my brain on thinking about something else. There’s lots of things that do this. I have a list, do you? A few on my list are baking and cooking good healthy food, riding my bike, sitting on my beautiful deck, reading a good book. Sometimes I watch YouTube videos on funny things animals do…that’s a good one! What would you add to this list for yourself?

Then, I think I’ll write a little about what I’m grateful for. Now this is a long list. When I think or write about this, I experience a shift. The shift happens in my brain. I start to go down a different neuron path. This neuron path brings a lift to my heart and a shift to how I see everything in my world. Top of the list is my husband. He’s kind and funny, talented and loving. I’ve been married twice before. It took me this long to find real love and settle into a relationship I only dreamed about having. The road to get here has been full of pain and struggle. I’m here though, and just reminding myself of him at the top of the list, has already brought my heart up a notch.

One last thing I’ll do this afternoon, is take a nap. I need to calm down inside. The frustration that comes from the present world situations has me worked up. When laying down in my comfy spot with my cat curled up beside me, I’ve found that reviewing something that I’m happy about is a good way to calm my internal thoughts. In the past, I’ve walked through my tiny condo on the sea…room by room. I’ve taken note of the wall color, the furnishings, the artwork. I can picture this so clearly, it’s as if I’ve taken a flight there and stepped into the condo. This settles my mind and helps me calm. Have you ever tried imagining a place so clearly that you feel you are there? My husband and I are planning a trip out of the country. We have watched so many travel videos to this spot, I’m convinced I will feel right at home when we finally get to go. Sometimes, I walk through the shops and streets of the major town we will visit. I’ve not been there yet, but my mind can focus on what I believe it will be like, and my emotions jump to a better place.

This is my “head in the sand” strategy for today. Tomorrow, I may feel ready to face the news again, we’ll see. Oh, and by the way, ostriches do not stick their heads in the sand. This is a common metaphor for someone avoiding their problems. Just for today, that’s what I’m doing with the world’s problems. What about you?



Linda Ward

Writer, Coach at CourageDaily.com, Grandma to 5. Everyday happiness is my passion. I live in Minnesota with it’s severe winters and my consistently cold feet.