How to Buzz

Feeling Happy Inside

Linda Ward
3 min readDec 22, 2021
Shutterstock : by Sun OK

There are books that change your life. I’ve had several along my journey. One that I have searched for in my collection to share with you, but can’t seem to find, talked about locating that part within you that is happy. I remember the contents due to the lasting way it changed me. Everyone has had, or does have, something that makes them flicker within when they think of or remember. You may have to search for it by bringing things to mind, until you land on that something that makes you smile. Maybe it’s a very small internal smile, or a large, big hearted one. Stop and locate the feeling you get within yourself when you think or remember it. Where is the feeling? Is it in the solar plexus, the stomach, the brain? Now, use your imagination to expand that feeling. Let the feeling go up to the top of your head and radiate down to your toes. Allow the feeling to be real and big inside you. Imagine the buzz of that flicker to expand. Do this for seconds, a minute, or longer. The author called this buzzing and challenged his readers to buzz often.

For the longest time, I would think of my granddaughter to find the spark inside me that was truly happy. When she was born, I was in a fog of love for her. I could hold her for hours and gaze into that perfect little face, star struck with the wonder of this tiny human. When I recall holding her and looking at her beauty, the spark or buzz within will turn on.

As I practiced buzzing, I found that I could locate this feeling when I thought of other things. One thing was an accomplishment that made me very content and happy. I dreamed of owning my own condo by the beach. I live in Minnesota where there are plenty of lakes, but no oceanside beaches. With the help of my east coast friend, I found then bought a little beach home property on the east coast that fulfilled the dream. I did this as a divorced lady, with limited income, and on top of that, the property was over a thousand miles away from my home. I ended up owning the beach condo for 8 years before selling it, all the while renting it out when I wasn’t there on vacation. It paid for itself and offered a place to get away. It was an extraordinary accomplishment for me. When I think about this, a slow steady buzz starts in me, and radiates throughout my whole being. A buzz of happy contentment.

I’ve practiced finding and enlarging the internal buzz and flicker of excitement for so long, that now it comes naturally for me. The object of the happiness can be a sunrise or waking under warm covers. Small or large, the thought first brings the buzz then fills me with a truly happy feeling.

When was the last time you felt truly happy? I asked my husband this question and listened as he recalled several moments that stood out in his life. As he told me his stories, he felt content and happy. He didn’t know it, but he was buzzing. I read this article and suggest you do too. It only takes a few minutes. They asked their listeners to let them know the last time they remember feeling truly happy. Scroll down on the article to find the brushstrokes picture. When you click on each specific brushstroke, you will hear people give their stories.

I’m not suggesting we live in this happy place 24/7. But I AM suggesting that we remember, get in touch with those feelings, and when those amazingly happy times happen, we allow ourselves to be immersed in them.



Linda Ward

Writer, Coach at, Grandma to 5. Everyday happiness is my passion. I live in Minnesota with it’s severe winters and my consistently cold feet.